
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Touch Rugby

After play time I was so excited to play Touch Rugby. The first thing we all did was drills Next we had a game but this was a different kind of game. They had three defenders on one side and four other opponent.

This game is the same as touch it’s also fun to play in the weekends. The first thing we had to do was get in to two on one side and the other. One side was the attackers and one side was the defenders.

First Kevin calls out two numbers at a time so if he says 3 2 there will be three attackers and two defenders. After I think 8 people Kevin called out 3 on 3 so it was me Uili and levi ran around the cone  and we were vs Mele, Prince and Patric.

We started running and they had the ball after Mele ran with the ball. I touch her but she just through the ball to Prince and Prince started running. Then Uili chased Prince Prince was running he almost got the try but Uili just touched him.

After, the game was still going. After sports we got in to two lines and we started walking down to class. When we got to class our teacher told us to go on Math Whizz or Studyladder Math. Then that was the end of Sports.

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